We value hospitality & relationships.


Weekly Opportunities


  • STEP Tutoring (registration required)

Weekly Opportunities for all ages from 6:30-7:45pm

  • Jeff’s Study [McGarvey Room with Pastor Jeff]

  • Choir Rehearsal

  • Youth Group [Youth Room with Kadrian]

  • CKV & Nursery PLAY [upstairs in CKV with Pastor Amy]


Small Groups

Making our small community even smaller is what makes us feel like family. We have a variety of small groups, including men’s gatherings, 20s-30s groups, & parents workshops that are open to join.



Celebrations & Activities

We love to gather with our Church family for celebrations and activities throughout the year. Christmas & Easter are just the start—we gather for fall activities, retreats, Martin Luther King Jr. day, game nights, and outdoor services in the summers.